Wednesday, April 30, 2014

C4T Rotating

Silvia Tolisano
Langwitches logl

Wow! What a blog site! Silvia Tolisano is a former World Language teacher currently dedicated to globally connected learning, 21st century skills and learning, and technology integration. This lady is the, and if you haven't checked out her blog, take a look at it here.

I commented on a post she made recently about students who were preparing for SLC, or student led conferences, where students prepare presentations for their parents to let them know how they stand in the state of their learning. Each student had to prepare a blog post for each subject which contained a title, an artifact, and a reflection. The amount of time students spent preparing for the SLCs was considerable, time-consuming, and tiring, even to the point of students complaining they were sick and tired of blogging. However, after the process of the interviews was over, the students agreed they were better off for having gone through the process. Check out the entire blog post here, and my comments to Silvia below:

At the beginning of 2014, I was thrown into the world of blogging for the first time. As a 20 year veteran of a public school system in Alabama, the opportunities for blogging had not been presented to me as a requirement, or even really a suggestion. Now, however, because of a certification course, I have learned to create my own blog, follow other teacher blogs, comment on peers’ blogs, comment on students’ blogs, and basically blog until I thought my eyeballs were going to fall out. I completely understand some of the comments of your students about feeling like they were blogging to appease the teacher, however, I can admit I have gained an immeasurable amount of skill in areas I thought I was already proficient. Plus, I didn’t realize until after starting a blog the value of creating a PLN. Thus, your objectives for continuing with a rigorous program of SLC, blogging, and reflection holds merit.

Will Deyamport

peoplegogy logo

Will Deyamport started this blog in 2009 as a way to connect educators and lead discussions about digital media and to help educators improve their personal and professional lives. I found this discussion between Dr. Deyamport and Dr. Eva Lantsoght interesting because they exchanged dialog about their blogging experiences, and what got them started blogging. You can visit Dr. Eva's blog here. Below are my comments to Dr. Eva after reading her interview with Dr. Deyamport.

I have been a media specialist in an elementary library for 3 and a half years, but have 20 years overall experience in the field of education. Before this year, I had never blogged, and approached it with hesitation primarily due to time constraints and basically feeling as if what I had to write wouldn't be of interest enough for another person to want to read. The later may still be the case, however, I have learned so much from other bloggers and the PLN I have begun to develop to the point where I can see blogging becoming another extension of my profession. While I am yet the reluctant blogger with regard to what I personally post, I would eventually like to do as Eva stated and write blogs which would help answer questions instead of writing reflections about my own experiences. Thank you both for your insight and for sharing your expertise on the topic of blogging.

Average is Over Video Book Review

Average is over

To view my video book review of Tyler Cowen's Average is Over, please click here.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

C4T Chosen by Me

Library Girl

Even if you are not a Library Media Specialist, Jennifer LaGarde's blog, The Adventures of a Library Girl, is really a treat. She is witty, intellectual, and provides on the cusp information for keeping education current, exciting, and relevant. I was able to see her over the summer at a conference for new media specialists, and was impressed with her drive to keep media centers and media specialists viable components of school systems. Since then, I have followed her blog, even before having the assignment made for this course. The following are posts I have made to her this past month.

Awards Are Nice But It's The Work That Matters

In this post, Jennifer talks about, once again, the importance of media specialists finding and maintaining a strong voice for keeping media centers open across the country as budget cuts continue to force some libraries to close their doors. She points out opportunities for librarians to nominate themselves for awards (such as the School Librarian of the Year Award sponsored by Scholastic and the Bammy! Awards) to show they are indispensable members of the learning community highlighting exceptional work of children.

Here is what I wrote to her:

I appreciate your efforts to passionately and consistently provide pertinent information to help us all become advocates to keep school libraries viable components of the learning environment. Your work and leadership is helping bolster people like me who, relatively new to the arena of library media, need the correct language and approach by which to build a strong case for the role of the library media specialist and also for the importance of a well-stocked library. I definitely agree with your comments about the awards being great, but the best part being what you're able to provide the children by having an award winning media center.

#WhyLib | My Journey to Librarianship

Jennifer tells us her story in this post of how she made the decision to become a school librarian after becoming disgruntled with the work she was doing as a classroom teacher, and feeling like she was being pressured to "teach to the test". In her inspirational account of how she moved from school to school during her own time as a student, she shares how she feels motivated now to make a difference in the lives of students as a librarian because the library seemed to be the one place of refuge she found as she moved from place during her formative years. She definitely is making a huge impact in the world of librarians across the country, as she is a major voice for advocacy and a leader among media specialists.

Here is my response to her story:

Thank you for this inspirational story. I was able to hear you give this account in person last summer at a conference in Alabama, and I've followed your blog ever since because you left such an impression on me. You definitely are making an impact on others, including myself, in ways I'm sure you don't realize, so the debt you are repaying is one you've paid many times over. Personally, when I became a librarian, I vowed never to be like the one I had in high school who was the typical "Lotta Scales" BEFORE her transformation! Thanks for being a great librarian as well as an awesome role model.

#TXLA14 | Reflections from San Antonio

After visiting San Antonio for the Texas Library Association Annual Conference, Jennifer recounted her experiences hosting workshops, but also attending some phenomenal sessions herself, including the Nerdy Book Club session. Even she, "The Library Girl" seemed to have been inspired by the group who presented, and gave some wonderful insight as to what she was able to come away with from the conference.

This is what I wrote to her:

From the sound of it, I wish I could have been a part of the Nerdy Book Club session, and the points you shared from what you experienced there were awesome. I will definitely check out the "rag tag" group--they sound like a bunch I'd like to hang out with. Thanks for posting such great highlights from your trip.

• Loving to read is legitimate. It's not something extra or nice, but not necessary. It's crucial and the work we do to help kids unlock that love is essential.
• Reading helps us feel less alone AND helps us recognize loneliness in others.
• Curricula, politics and the crisis of the day will come and go, but stories endure.
• The only thing more powerful than darkness is light. We have an obligation to share the light inside us. Stories help us do that.
• Every last one of us can change the world.

4 OTHER Ways To Keep Kids From Giving Up

Jennifer blogs here about how she wrestles with ways to keep students motivated, especially after reading an article entitled 4 Ways To Keep Students From Giving Up Before They Even Begin. Both the article she read and her thoughts reminded me a lot of the things I learned this semester about PBL and how to make what students are learning purposeful and important to them to give them motivation to learn. In addition to the additional tips she gives in her blog to supplement the article, she also includes the importance of not only the role of the teacher but the significance of the teacher librarian as the collaborator to extend the learning beyond the classroom, and to show students their learning is regarded by the entire educational community.

Here are my comments to her post:

I agree students feel stifled when they arrive at school because often times the assignments they are asked to perform are too structured, rigid, and downright boring to allow any creativity to flow from their brains. They also are expected all too often to produce answers to questions in unilateral ways instead of being given choices about how to create products or how to arrive at a solution to a problem. I have been following several teachers who are using PBL in their classrooms and schools, and many of your comments fall directly in line with the ideas of problem based learning. Thank you for adding your ideas to for other ways to keep kids from giving up. Where there's a will, there's a way!

C4T Semester Long-Assigned to Me

Teacher Tech

Kathleen Morris' Teacher Tech was the blog assigned to me for the semester. She is currently on maternity leave for the year, so some of the posts I replied to are a few months old, but still had relevant information which I found useful.

Blogging and the Literacy Curriculum

Ms. Morris wrote a post about how blogging can help to increase literacy in the classroom, and how blogging can help students become transliterate, so they can interact across several interfaces of media both digitally and traditionally. She shared very valid points for not only using blogging as an "add on" to the classroom, but making it a rigorous part of the curriculum and to stay committed as a teacher to incorporating blogging as a daily or at least weekly part of their routines. This is my response to her post.

Your tips on using blogs as a way to integrate literacy into the classroom are important for all educators to not only review, but put into pratice, primarily because of one of the points you raise in this post.
“The concept of literacy education has changed as technology has evolved. It is no longer enough to teach students how to read books and write on paper. ”
I agree with your statements about students needing to be taught 21st century skills, and traditional pedagogy will not meet the needs of today’s learners, nor will they keep them interested. Blogging is an excellent tool for both technology and literacy integration as well as a student motivator. The fact you have been blogging for six years with your students is amazing, and you are definitely an inspiration to other teachers who are looking to incorporate blogging into the curriculum.

Instructions for Using Creative Commons Images in Blog Posts

Kathleen has created an amazing infographic and step-by-step guide on how to properly upload and attribute images in a blog post, where to find Creative Commons images, how to use FlikrCC, and Wikimedia Commons in a downloadable file which can be shared with teachers and students. You can find the PDF file by clicking here. This is an invaluable tool I feel should be reviewed with students at least two or three times a year. This is my response to her post.

I appreciate this very useful resource for showing students how to properly upload and attribute images in blog posts. Many students as well as adults are simply not aware of the potential consequences copyright infringement, and your step-by-step guide will definitely be added to my dossier of items I will share with students and teachers as a media specialist. Thank you for sharing.

There’s Blogging and There’s Blogging…

In this post, Kathleen compares blogging where students blog in an unstructured vs. a structured style. Ms. Morris relates her experiences having a classroom blog since 2008, and points out the benefits of having blogs which begin as a class blog, then branch out to student blogs, have an established set of high standards for writing, netiquette, and design, plus consistent, quality feedback and parental involvement. I love the graphic she included in this post.

quality blogging

This is what I wrote to her:

I am glad you are able to admit it took time and a teacher centered effort to make your classroom blogs effective tools for helping to create quality writers. I am a media specialist in an elementary school in Alabama, and as of now, there are no teachers using classroom blogs. Because I have just learned about blogging at the beginning of this year, and have been following your blog as part of a course assignment, I have been inspired to start a library blog about books. I am hoping to host a professional development showing teachers how to set up a classroom blog for their students using your resource tools as a starter. I appreciate the documents you have prepared and posted for sharing as I have downloaded several of them. I hope to be able to someday inspire others as you have me, and I thank you for what you've been able to accomplish.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Post #10-What Did I Leave Out?

I Love Earth

I thought an idea for next semester could be to submit a lesson plan using the ALEX template. I've created one here appropriate for 1-2 graders to help celebrate Earth Day. I did this lesson with a group of first graders last week, and it went very well. You can see one of them explaining how he did his in the video below. He's simply adorable! The students create a computer "craftivity" showing ways to help save the planet. Would love some feedback if any of you have a chance to take a look, or especially if you have a chance to try it out with your students.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Video Review of Marc Prensky's Book

Teaching Digital Natives

Click here to view my video review of Marc Prensky's book, Teaching Digital Natives: Partnering for Real Learning.

Teaching and Learning-What We Can Learn from Expert Examples

inspirational quote

Back to the Future

This TED Talk video gave us an excellent example of a group of at risk, ELL, transient, low income students who were coupled with an amazing teacher, Brian Crosby, who delivered them a quality education via PBL activities such as the balloon project. After cycling through with Mr. Crosby for two years, by the 6th grade these students all had their own blogs, Flickr accounts, were embedding videos about the physics of the balloon project onto their blog sites, using free software to design book covers, writing stories from the point of view of the balloon, engaging with people around the globe about "High Hopes" for their school, community, and the world, and even using Skype to teach other students who had become interested in their projects how to launch their own balloons. One of the most touching things I learned from their experiences was the fact Mr. Crosby and his students were determined to include Celeste, a home-bound leukemia student, in their class even though she was unable to attend in person. What a lesson in humanity for these young students! So in addition to all the content the students were gaining about science and technology, they were also learning compassion for each other and acceptance. What more could any student, teacher, administrator, or parent ask for out of a class??

Blended Learning Cycle

Paul Andersen developed the Blended Learning Cycle as a means to engage students in a more student centered, inquiry based learning where students are able to explore, explain, expand, and then evaluate what they have learned while using an online, mobile classroom. Using the acronym QUIVERS, Paul created 6 steps to the Blended Learning Cycle:

1. QUestion (Hook to grab student attention)
2. Investigation/Inquiry
3. Video
4. Elaboration (readings,diagrams)
5. Review (teacher meets with students to ask probing questions for understanding)
6. Summary quiz (evaluation)

Although when compared to PBL, the Blended Learning Cycle resembles a more traditional classroom approach, however, the aspects of student engagement through investigation, and elaboration break away from the totally teacher centered environment.

Making Thinking Visible

This video is a promotional for Mark Church's Book, Making Thinking Visible: How to Promote Engagement, Understanding, and Independence for All Learners. I went to the Amazon store and found the following description of the book:

A proven program for enhancing students' thinking and comprehension abilities
Visible Thinking is a research-based approach to teaching thinking, begun at Harvard's Project Zero, that develops students' thinking dispositions, while at the same time deepening their understanding of the topics they study.? Rather than a set of fixed lessons, Visible Thinking is a varied collection of practices, including thinking routines?small sets of questions or a short sequence of steps?as well as the documentation of student thinking.?Using this process thinking becomes visible as the students'?different viewpoints are expressed, documented, discussed and reflected upon.

Helps direct student thinking and structure classroom discussion
Can be applied with students at all grade levels and in all content areas
Includes easy-to-implement classroom strategies

What I was able to learn from the video was students were interacting in with each other in conversation about a topic, sharing, engaged, articulating their opinions in words and in writing, summarizing, and conceptualizing content. All very positive exchanges and most definitely skills students need to be able to know and practice in the 21st century.

PBL by Dean Shareski

This video highlighting a Canadian school, Dean Shareski points out students would have a hard time telling you exactly which subject area they were actually going to during a class period because they don't learn in segmented subjects, thanks to a restructured PBL environment encouraged by their Social Studies, Language Arts, and Technology teachers. What they have been able to accomplish with the approval of administration is keeping students in a blocked schedule of time so they could earn three credit hours, but not have to chop up the time between the three core classes. Instead, the three teachers blended their curriculum so students can work on the content at their own pace to have them understand the content at a deeper level with the incorporation of technology-based, relevant projects. Students produce projects which bring them pride, ownership, and and an understanding of subjects beyond the curriculum such as poverty and citizenship. Teachers laud PBL because of how students respond to their own learning, and how they are able to reach higher levels of meaning.

Roosevelt Elementary's PBL Program

Roosevelt Elementary School's video, to me, provides the best examples of true Project Based Learning. Students are engaged in integrated, in-depth themes while solving real-world problems using research to answer essential questions. The culminating product of each PBL activity is a project which must be presented to an audience of peers, parents, or community members. Throughout the process, teachers collaborate to provide the appropriate subject matter and state standards to the students, and students engage in the process of preparing a product of their own choice through independent work, cooperative learning, and begin exposed to how to communicate with others in a real life setting. Teachers are easily able to adapt content for multiple levels of intelligence, integrate many subject areas, and help students build background knowledge. Students find through their ability to select their own presentations they have a voice which allows them to feel empowered, creative, and ignites a "spark" of interest to learn more about the world around them. Additionally, students become more aware of the meaning of community and their connection as a citizen, especially when community members are asked to participate as an authentic audience and provide feedback when students present their final projects. Parents are pleased with how their children are exposed to public speaking at an early age and are able to articulate their knowledge to an audience. Overall, I feel PBL should be incorporated into every school across the nation in order for our students to gain the necessary skills to be competitive in the 21st century global society.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tips from Anthony Capps about PBL

project based learning

After reviewing the audio interview with Dr. Strange and Anthony Capps, there were a few things which resonated with me as they discussed the facets of Project Based Learning. Primarily, I was left with the thought Mr. Capps must feel a huge amount of gratitude to be able to work in a school with an administrator who is supportive of teachers incorporating PBL, and a school system who is committed to providing technology to each student in Baldwin County. Additionally, it seemed to be an attribute to the leadership in the system to have Anthony on board as they have recognized his ability not only to be a great classroom instructor, but also an example among his peers. Thus, listening to his words of advice, even as a young whip, gave me reason to take notice of what he had to say.

I decided to break down a few of his points by topic.

PBL and Classroom Management

1. Make sure the Essential Question is relevant to the students.
2. Provide plenty of options for student products (student voice and choice).
3. Assign reasonable amounts of work (chunking) with a series of checkpoints.
4. As the teacher, prepare, prepare, prepare!

Tips for Incorporating New Technology Tools

2. Pick one tool, learn to use it, and then add another one.
3. Can't learn it all overnight, but must do it every night.
4. Show kids in whole group, and then allow them to explore in small groups.

Tips for Incorporating PBL

1. Introduce one of the 8 aspects of PBL at a time. ( has the list of 8)
2. Build upon each until all have been learned.
3. Teach components explicitly so students will understand goal of project and it is meaningful to them.

PBL and Administrators

1. Start with pocket of teacher volunteers
2. Pilot to rest of school
3. Require PD to rest of teachers (books and research made available)

Authentic Audience Examples

1. Peers
2. Younger grades
3. Older grades
4. Work hanging in hallway
5. Blog posts
6. Parents
7. Elf on the Shelf
8. Partners in Education
9. City Council
10. State Representatives

Parents and PBL Assessment

1. Make sure parents stay abreast of assessment requirements and any changes or modifications.
2. Provide ample opportunities for parents to stay informed.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

C4T Rotating Weekly

teacher blogs

Lee Kolbert

This is my response to why Lee Kolbert, A Geeky Momma, is opposed to an app called Four Square. Although I was not familiar, at least now I am forewarned:

I, too, have been assigned by my college professor to follow your blog, and up until reading this post, wasn't familiar with 4sq, but now will be alerted not to download the app. I will, however, keep your blog in my feed as I find your topics interesting to follow. Thank you for your attention to detail and your visually appealing site.

Dean Shareski

Dean Shareski, Community Manager for Discovery Education Canada, blogged about the coolest thing that happened on his 50th birthday. As a result of his connections online and through his PLN, or what he likes to call his "Personal Living Network", he received 80+ pairs of socks from people within his circle. Some he knew, some he did not, and he wasn't even sure who was responsible for coordinating the effort. However, he was certain of the "joy and meaning" he received from people he's met and places he's visited online. I wasn't able to leave a comment for Dean because I wasn't sure how to do it. Actually, I didn't see comments left on any of his posts. You can check out his blog here. I liked the layout a lot.

Jenny She

Jenny She is a teacher in New Zealand who has been teaching her 6 year old students how to blog. I am so impressed with how well these young students have been able to grasp not only the technological concepts of blogging, but the reflective concepts of writing about what they have learned. Her class blog, Little Voices, Little Scholars was listed by Bill Ferriter, William Chamberlain and Pernille Ripp as one of the top classroom blogs worth exploring. You can check it out here. Below is my comment to Mrs. She:

Hello Mrs. She! I am visiting to you from Alabama in the United States, and I love that your students have such a great relationship with you and how you've incorporated the use of a variety of technology tools at such an early age. They will remember you forever, and your acceptance of their creativity is an example of an excellent teacher. Thank you so much for sharing your class blogs, and I have enjoyed reading your students' posts as well from your Little Voices page. They are such inspiring young minds!

C4K March Assignments

comments for kids

Little Voices, Little Scholars
Pt England School

I absolutely LOVED the video Danielle posted about Harold, the Giraffe. The New Zealand accent is just to die for! This is the comment I posted to Danielle on her blog site.

Hello, Danielle! I, too, am visiting to you from Alabama in the United States. Thank you for allowing us to post our comments about your awesome story of Harold, the Giraffe! I LOVE your accent!! Since I saw your video, I've been trying to make my Southern Alabama accent sound like one from New Zealand! I think it's awesome you're blogging at such a young age and sharing what you're learning in the classroom with people all around the world. What is your favorite thing about blogging? I am a librarian in an elementary school, and have thoroughly enjoyed listening to your story. Keep up the great work, Danielle!!

Click here to view the school picnic video from the Little Voices, Little Scholars blog posted by Hine.

This is the comment I left for Hine:

Hello! I am happy to have the opportunity to meet you and your classmates through a connection with my college professor at the University of South Alabama in the United States. I enjoyed watching the video of your school picnic, and I must tell you the red hats are awesome! You all looked like you were having a wonderful time. Did you make the video yourself using Animoto, and is it easy to use? Great job, and thanks for sharing!

Isiah is a relatively new student to the class, joining the group in February. So far, his only post is a photo welcoming him to the class. Here is my comment to Isaiah:

Hello, Isaiah! It's nice to meet you and your classmates through my college professor at the University of South Alabama in the United States. It looks like you have a wonderful teacher and lots of fun ways to learn new things in school. What is your favorite thing about using technology in your classroom?

Ms. Lagitupu's Class in New Zealand

Hiwarau blogged about walking to a nearby college for physical fitness classes with 12 year students. They learned to play a game called "Tiggy". I wasn't familiar, so I looked it up, and here's what I found out about it. Below is the comment I posted to Hiwarau about his experience:

Hello, Hiwariau! I am visiting to you from Alabama in the United States. Thank you for telling us all about how you learned to play the game Tiggy. I wasn't familiar with the game, so I looked it up on the Internet to learn more about it. It reminded me of a game I used to play when I was a little girl (a LOOOONNNNGGGG time ago) called TAG. Had you played the game before? It sounds like you had a great time going to the college for your physical fitness classes, and it seems like the 12 year students enjoyed it, too! I am impressed with your blogging skills. Keep up the great work

Shyla posted a video clip of her swimming lessons to go with her blog about how much she likes her instructor and that New Zealand is surrounded by water. Here's what I wrote to her:

Hello, Shyla! I am visiting to you from Alabama in the United States, and have enjoyed reading about your swimming lessons. I remember taking swimming lessons at a local pool when I was a very young girl, and even remember the color of the bathing suit I wore for my very first lesson. It was yellow with a little blue whale stitched on the chest. When you mentioned keeping your leg straight, I thought about how we would hold on the sides of the pool and practiced kicking and keeping our legs straight. I am glad you are learning to swim and like your instructor. What's your favorite part about your lessons? Keep up the great work with your blog, Shyla. It's wonderful reading about what you're learning

Calvin blogged about Tiaki Taonga, his school's motto for the year, which means caring for people and caring for things. I am totally into this mantra, and this is what I wrote to Calvin on his blog:

I am visiting to you from Alabama in the United States, and I absolutely LOVE the idea of Tiaki Taonga! I think everyone around the whole world should adopt the idea of caring for people and caring for things. Did you know your blog today has given someone on the other side of the world a new way of saying they care for other people? I can't wait to share with my students at my school where I am a librarian what I learned from you today! Thank you for sharing your blog with us. Tiaki Taonga. What are you doing to make other people feel special? Well, I can tell you one way you've done it so far is by sharing your thoughts here so others like me can learn new things! Great job, Calvin. Keep up the excellent work, and I will do my part to share your motto of Tiaki Taonga!

Ava is a 6 year old in Aukland, New Zealand. I am so impressed with how these young students are already using blogs on a regular basis to share their work. Ava, in Ms. Garden and Mr. Goodman's class, posted a document showing which math strategies she has been able to achieve thus far. Thinking about a 6 year old blogging, creating and uploading documents, and reflecting on their work is really a fantastic thing. Here's what I shared with Ava on her blog site.

Hello, Ava! I'm visiting your site from Phenix City, Alabama in the United States. Thank you for letting me see how you're using technology to show others what you're doing at school. I'm happy to see you're learning such cool things in math! I have always enjoyed math, and I love how you're able to show examples of what you're able to do using your blog site. Did you create this document on your own? If so, how did you do it? I also really like how you used graphics and an explanation of the strategies you are able to use to add and subtract. Great job with your blog site. Keep up the good work!

Elizabeth brings us a partially completed presentation about the native tree of New Zealand, the Harakeke. Here is what I wrote to her about one of my favorite trees in Alabama:

Hello, Elizabeth! I am visiting to you from Alabama in the United States, and am happy to know you are learning about your native trees! I love botany (the study of plants), and one of my favorite trees here in the southern United States of America is the tulip tree, or Liriodendron tulipifera. In the fall of the year, the leaves turn a gorgeous, bright yellow. Your native tree of New Zealand is also very beautiful, and I am impressed with your presentation so far. What is the most interesting fact you have learned during your research? I can't wait to see your finished product. Keep up the great work, Elizabeth!

Pou shared a ROBOT PATH which was right up my alley! This is what I wrote to him:

Hello, Pou! I am visiting you from Alabama in the United States, and I LOVE robots! I actually was a robotics teacher for about four years before becoming a librarian. Great job with your presentation! Did you actually program a robot to travel the path you showed? When I taught robotics, we build robots using LEGOs, then programmed them to perform tasks on the computer. What fun! Thank you for sharing your robot path with us on your blog. Great job!

Blog Post #7- "21st Century Learning and Communication Tools"

technology tools

Turning a classroom into a 21st century learning environment can be a daunting task considering the rapid pace at which technology tools change as well as the extensive number of tools from which to choose. Additionally, teachers must be able to select tools which contain a balanced mixture of student learning, skills acquisition, and quality engagement as well as analyze the effectiveness of select tools based on student products as a result of utilizing them. Thus, before blindly reaching into the proverbial "digital toolbox", one might find it helpful to consult with other professionals, as I did, who have test driven and reviewed many of the technology tools now trending. One of my personal PLN favorites is The Adventures of Library Girl, a blog by Jennifer LaGarde. The following presentation of hers entitled, "Technology is Not Transforming Education...YOU ARE!", tied in nicely with this week's topic, so I thought I'd share it here.

The "In-Class Flip"

I found this concept very interesting in light of the recent idea of a "Flipped Classroom" where students watch video lectures at home and practice/homework takes place in the classroom. Instead, the "In-Class Flip" uses the same idea of video lectures, but students rotate through centers with the lecture being one stop in the rotation. This way, the teacher is in control of what is being viewed, the problem with having technology at home to view lectures is eliminated, and the teacher is freed up to help students doing small group or independent work.

The following video shows you how it works.



Storify is a relatively new concept which combines the idea of blogging with the ability to integrate other elements from social media to create a "story" of your own. Like blogger, Storify still allows users to upload images and create original text. However, what it does differently is allows the user to integrate other people's voices into your own content with tools used to extract Tweets, Flikr or Instagram images, and YouTube videos which can be interwoven into your own story. According to a review of Storify on, the overall features make this tool an effective way to powerfully illustrate stories, ideas, or concepts.

storify review on

Here is an overview of Storify on Vimeo as well.

If you're wondering how this technology tool can help students, check out this blog for four ways to use Storify in the classroom.

Poll Everywhere

Poll Everywhere

The last tool I chose to review is Poll Everywhere. The idea is simple. Using mobile devices, Poll Everywhere allows an audience to respond to questions, and the results are immediately displayed on the web in PowerPoint or Keynote presentations. Imagine how students would be engaged if a teacher allowed them to use their cell phones to participate in classroom discussions which showed live results!! Here's a Vimeo showing an overview of how it works. Also, according to, Poll Everywhere received a 9.5 out of 10 rating for its fun, interactive polls. The only downside is this tool isn't free, yet relatively inexpensive considering the features. Pricing options are available by clicking here.

Alabama Learning Exchange Resources

Alabama Learning Exchange

The Alabama Learning Exchange is an excellent resource for locating all courses of study for each grade level, plus provides ample lesson plan ideas and source information directly correlated to state standards. All the PDF files I saved can be located on my website at under the ALEX Resources tab in the navigation pane. They are also provided below with a brief description of each item.

By creating a Personal Workspace account in ALEX, users are able to bookmark lesson plans, submit lesson plans which conform to specific guidelines, and even create a teacher web pages with district level approval. Click here to see my Personal Workspace account showing lesson plans I have bookmarked.

Because I am in an elementary school Grades K-5, I chose one course of study from kindergarten and one from 5th grade. Click here for the PDF showing the objectives for Kindergarten Science, and click here to view the objectives for 5th grade English Language Arts. I also chose to upload the Technology Standards for grades K-2. You can view the PDF by clicking here.

When searching for lesson plans, I noticed some had "College and Career Ready showcase lesson plan" in the descriptor. I selected two which included this phrase in hopes I would find them to be excellent lessons for later use. The first lesson I chose is entitled "Find the Fat" which falls into three subject areas: Health (K), Technology Education (K-2, and English Language Arts (K-2). The following is the exact description of the lesson plan from the ALEX website.
Students will experiment with and evaluate healthy and unhealthy foods. Students will take digital pictures and view during a class discussion about fat content in foods. Students will watch a video about healthy eating and exercise and respond to the experience through writing and drawing. This is a College- and Career-Ready Standards showcase lesson plan.

The second lesson plan I selected is entitled "Who's Talking" for 5th grade Engligh Language Arts based on the Newberry Award winning book, Belle Prater's Boy, which is a story of a girl named Gypsy from Virginia in the early 1950's whose mother disappears one early fall morning without a trace. The following is the exact description of the lesson plan from the ALEX website.

Use literary elements to show students similarities and differences of today's society to the past. This is a College- and Career-Ready Standards showcase lesson plan.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Randy Pausch's Last Lecture-What We Can Learn

You cannot change the cards you are dealt. Just how you play the hand.

If you haven't already seen Randy Pausch's famous "Last Lecture" given to a class of students at Carnegie Mellon University in 2007, make it a priority. Knowing he would soon meet his untimely death at the hands of pancreatic cancer, the speech became a YouTube sensation, and is still one of the most motivating speeches I have ever heard. His simplistic instructions for how to tackle life interspersed with personal stories and photographs make you feel like nothing is impossible, but most of all, grateful for each and every moment of life you're given. He teaches us not to give up, not to feel sorry for ourselves, to persevere, to let children be children, and for us to embrace the child within ourselves. His philosophy of how to live life, how to approach challenges, how to accept change, and how to face life with a "can do" attitude should inspire each of us to live better lives, teach our children to live their best lives, love and respect each other, and see each new day as a gift. Although the lessons learned from the speech made it seem like he was giving away free advice to anyone who would listen, the real genius of the message was that it wasn't really for the general population, but for his kids. You may need tissues like I did.

These are a few of my favorite quotes from the speech:

The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out; the brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. The brick walls are there to stop the people who don't want it badly enough.

Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted.

Don't complain. Just work harder.

PBL #2 Community Helpers

Community Helpers

Check out the PBL lesson plan called "Community Helpers" on my website. The plan was taken from an example I found from an elementary teacher in Arizona who, along with other staff members, have decided to share their Arizona Teach 21 PBL lesson plans with the global community. I chose this lesson because it was directly connected to the PBL lesson activity I developed called "Meadowlane Park Rangers" and had some of the same objectives for becoming involved community citizens.

Here are links for the lesson overview, checklist, and rubric.