Tuesday, April 1, 2014

PBL #2 Community Helpers

Community Helpers

Check out the PBL lesson plan called "Community Helpers" on my website. The plan was taken from an example I found from an elementary teacher in Arizona who, along with other staff members, have decided to share their Arizona Teach 21 PBL lesson plans with the global community. I chose this lesson because it was directly connected to the PBL lesson activity I developed called "Meadowlane Park Rangers" and had some of the same objectives for becoming involved community citizens.

Here are links for the lesson overview, checklist, and rubric.


  1. Excellent. two suggestions/questions. Internal links to and from all of your pages would help. The link EXAMPLE LINK OF STUDENT SAMPLE takes you to an ad for Voki. Where is the student example? Does the link in the original source material?

    1. Thank you for your suggestions. I have provided internal links to my documents, and have removed the Voki link to the student example which was not working properly. It's always great to have another pair of eyes. Hope this makes it better!
