Tuesday, March 11, 2014

C4S Comment #4

firebears the rescue team

Meagan created a book trailer using iMovie. You have to check it out! I am so going to do this with my students. I was inspired by this post, and couldn't wait to get started making my own book trailer. You can see Meagan's trailer by clicking here.

This is my response to her post:

LOVE the book trailer! I am currently working with a group of 5th graders to make book commercials for titles linked to topics taught in the classroom. Did you use iMovie to produce this? Also, did you use images from a vendor site, or did you take your own pictures of the book pages? The music and text had me sitting on the edge of my seat!!

Meagan even responded back:

Thank you so much! I actually scanned the images into iPhoto to edit them. From there I added them to iMovie and placed the pictures with the music adding text where needed.

1 comment:

  1. A post is not necessary for C4S since I get a copy by email automatically.

    Several EDM310 students have gotten tank you notes or emails from the authors of the books. That happens every semester. Some have even incorporated the trailers into the author's blog.
