Monday, March 24, 2014

PBL #1 Meadowlane Park Rangers

park ranger

Check out my project based lesson plan, "Meadowlane Park Rangers", on my website under the PBL#1 navigation tab. Students will be working with the city economic development planner to organize a volunteer group to maintain a local park located on the same property as our school. It is an awesome opportunity for students to show community involvement and civic pride!


  1. Angela, I really wanted to see this lesson, but the link to your website wasn't working. I like lessons that teach students to serve others! My lesson also involved having the students perform a task that involved serving. You'll like it too because the beneficiary was the school library! :) Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get it loaded to my website, but I'm still trying!

  2. Chea,
    I fixed the link to my website, so if you still want to check it out, you should be able to view it. Thanks for letting me know it wasn't working properly, and if you get a chance to look it over, let me know what you think!
