Monday, March 10, 2014

Project #3 Presentation


  1. I especially like the Driving Question video. It is new to me. I will add it to EDM310 next semester.

    I also found the student motivation video useful. Could you make it more effective in your presentation by editing it or showing a few clips instead of all of it? It could be shorter I think. An EDM310 student found TubeChop which makes editing or selecting a part of a video easy. Check it out. I have not used it yet but I will! You do not need all of the video to make the point you are addressing.


    Now a look at the ACCRS part of your presentation. Especially thorough. Excellent examples. A model for the rest of the class. Thanks

    Also Excellent.

    You need an audience. Where can you give this presentation?

  2. Thanks for the information about TubeChop. I will try it out. As for an audience and where to present, the first part about PBL could be presented to my own faculty or other schools in my own district. The second portion might be better directed toward an audience who may not yet be familiar with ACCRS or maybe even at the next new teacher orientation at the beginning of the school year next year in our own district. Feel free to pass this along to whomever you think could use it!
