Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Video Review of Marc Prensky's Book

Teaching Digital Natives

Click here to view my video review of Marc Prensky's book, Teaching Digital Natives: Partnering for Real Learning.

1 comment:

  1. Delightful. I got started in all of this in 1980 when my son, who was then 20, went to a Boston Computer Society meeting where Seymour Papert spoke. I got a copy of his Mindstorms: Children, Computers, and Powerful Ideas. I read it. Used it. And my life has not been the same since. Logo incorporated Lego into the programming world later and I have not had an opportunity to use the combination. I have, however, been an advocate, supporter and teacher of Logo (and HyperCard). I also spent one summer visiting Logo classes and writing several articles on its use in learning. So you bring back many memories.

    Useful summary of key points made by Prensky (and others). Now I am watching developments in Baldwin County with excitement. Superintendent Lee may just pull it off. And if he does…. wow!

    A delight. I thinkI said that before. Thanks.
